Don’t know what to do with your hair? This is how I do it.

Hello beautiful legend!

Are you frustrated with your hair? Don’t know where to start so you end up wearing a ponytail or a funny bun most of the time?
I hear you!

I LOVE how you look when you’re wearing your hair down, and I also understand that it takes too much time to style it during the week… or does it?
That’s exactly how I was feeling about my hair before I came up with an easy solution.

I get told all the time how healthy and shiny my hair looks and I always say thank you (and you should too with every compliment you receive! Welcome it and love it, because it is YOURS to enjoy!) but inside I just think: If they only knew how low maintenance my hair is!

It is obvious that we love looking good, and it’s also obvious we also need all the shortcuts to do it in the least amount of time, yes or yes sister?

That’s why today I’m sharing with you how I actually do my hair!
You can see it now:


In this video I’m sharing with you:

- What exact products I use every time I wash my hair.

- My number 1 trick to nourish it.

- How I enhance and create hair waves.

- And much more, including some quirky moments (surprised much? ;P)

These are the products I use:

- Jojoba oil occasionally overnight (find a nice and clean brand)
- Desert Essence shampoo and conditioner (I especially love the raspberry one, but sometimes I also use the mango line ☺)
- Salerm 21 Silk protein Serum
- Pantene Pro-v Perfect Curls Mousse

After you watch it, I’d love to know: Was this helpful? Are there any tricks you’ll be trying at home?
Go ahead, let me know in the comments below.

And if you enjoyed this, you might want to get your hands on my free training: How to Love and Unlock Your Personal Style, where I teach you how to get dressed every morning with a smile in your face.

Remember my friend:
“The easiest and most fun way to do your hair is finding the path of least resistance, the one that honours the true nature of your hair”

Sending you much love and light,