Do you trust yourself? And How Your Answer Could Transform Your Style.

This morning, I jumped off the bed thinking about what I wanted to share with you today.And I felt called to open a random page of my book to receive a keyword.

That word was TRUST.

And I thought, OF COURSE!

How do trust, style and connecting with your wardrobe from the inside out relate to each other?

Week after week, I work with clients that tell me:

But how can I put pieces together to create an outfit?

But, how can I know how to choose what goes with what?

And so on…

Here’s the thing…

Once you have identified what colours align with your energetic imprint, 90% of the colours in that palette match.

After that, it’s just a matter of having fun with lengths, cuts and focusing on what YOU want to highlight. (I talk all about this in my book).

But the KEY glue to make all these pieces of the puzzle work every single day for you is TRUST.

I LOVE it when I receive pictures of clients getting it “wrong” (if there was such a thing…) Because that means that they’re SMASHING that fear of not getting it perfect right in the face!

When you start experimenting, taking pictures, and seeing what makes your heart sing… You are taking a direct shortcut to what true Style Power looks like on the outside.

Think back on all the aspects of your life where you manifested something big. Looking back, do you see how it was all meant to be the way it was?

You’re so powerful, Name. Let your beautiful light out and show it unapologetically.

Sending so much love, light and Style Power,



Have you read my book Style Power? I need a favour to ask!!!!!!

If my book has helped you even a tiny little bit, would you PLEASE write a review on Amazon for me?

Here’s the US amazon page link (but you can do it on the one from the country you purchased it from)

I haven’t been diligently asking for a review; the reason?

If you’ve followed me, you might have realised how crazy my life has been since that book came out into the world :P.

If my work has made even a tiny difference in your life, I would TRULY appreciate it if you could write a review; it’ll help me to reach more people.

Also, it’s at a very discounted rate right now, in case you need some copies!

I’m getting better at asking> I TRUST  in my ability to ask, see?? :P