The Alma Barrero Show Episode 1: What’s Your Style Type?

Hello, beautiful legend!!!

Would you like to know what style is the best for you? Do you want to feel confident and 100% sure every time you put an outfit together? You want to know that you’ve made the right choice, without having to get other’s approval?

Do you feel like you once had the style part sorted and now it’s like nothing feels stylish anymore?

If so, you’re going to love today’s topic!

What if there was a way to know what style type is the one that actually works for you?

What difference it would make in your life?

Let me guess:

You’ll feel much more confident when going shopping and it’ll feel like it takes much less effort to actually dress yourself.

Well, that’s exactly why I’m going to help you make your style life easier today!

Episode 1.png

Are you ready to find out what your style type is?

Now, there are many systems and archetypes to spot the general type for you and I specifically use one that has 6 archetypes – Romantic, Natural, Dramatic, Elegant Sporty, Classic and Creative.

Why do I use this system? Because your intuition plays a big part in identifying the right type for you, but most importantly your personality and how it reflects in your body.

Are you ready to find out?

Listen to my first podcast episode of the Alma Barrero Show where I share with you the 6 Personality Style Archetypes (Inspired by my dear Karen Brunger’s system).

NOTE: Apologies because you’ll hear sometimes a subtle noise as the mic wasn’t well attached. First-timer mistake… that won’t happen again. All and all, I think it’s an episode you’ll get A LOT from :), enjoy!

In this episode I’m covering:
- The 6 Style Personalities system I use to help you define your style.
- How your intuition plays a big part in identifying the right type for you, but most importantly your personality and how it reflects in your body.
- Why the same piece of clothing can project a different message depending who wears it.
- 3 questions you need to ask yourself to find out your type.
- A description of each archetype.
And much more….

Once you listen to it, I’d love to know:
Did you have any aha! moments? Was this helpful?
Do you have any other topic suggestions for the audio series?
Let me know in the comments below.

If you liked this episode, you might want to check out my Free Style Masterclass all about How To Love And Unlock Your Personal Style, so you get dressed every morning with a smile in your face!


“The key to dress effortlessly is to start from within”.

Sending you much love and style power,
